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Research Study on Gender, Climate Change, and Coffee Production

Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador

The Nature Conservancy

At EarthEmpower Consulting, we drive significant change through strategic partnerships that promote equity and sustainability. In collaboration with regional stakeholders, we played a critical role in addressing gender inequalities and climate resilience in the coffee sector across Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.


As part of our work, we provided technical assistance and conducted a comprehensive range of research activities, including in-depth literature reviews, field research, and interviews with key actors, including men and women producers. We analyzed five policies and recommendation reports to compare suggestions and balance the intersectionality of climate change, gender, and competitiveness. Based on these findings, we formulated a battery of recommended best practices, providing suggestions in the proposed regulation, recommendations for NGOs and other organizations, and specific guidance within the context of TNC and RESCA (Resilient Central America).


These recommendations promoted equitable participation for women in coffee production, addressing key issues such as farm ownership, pay gaps, and decision-making power. Through this work, we developed a gender-focused regional regulation for agricultural competitiveness to foster climate-resilient and competitive coffee value chains in Central America. Our efforts also generated crucial data on gender gaps, resilience, and climate adaptation, providing actionable guidance for regional stakeholders.

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